SIA's Middle Academy serves students in grades 6 - 8.
See below for more details about our unique Middle Academy program.
School Culture
Students attending SIA's Middle Academy will be immersed in a program that focuses on the overall mission of SIA. They will still participate in their houses, school clubs and have opportunities to travel with their classmates. New programs such as theater, cross country, and other sports are constantly growing and enriching the Middle Academy experience at SIA. The experience in the Middle Academy is focused on helping students dive into and begin to answer the question, "How do I become high school ready?". Our goal is to prepare all SIA students to enter either college or the workforce with the skills to thrive in either environment.
Our Middle Academy differs from a traditional Middle School in the sense that we are focused on targeted preparation for life in and after high school. Our focus is supporting the development of their identity as a young adult and challenging them to develop a worldview that acknowledges the challenges we face in our world, but sees the incredible opportunities that exist to make the world a better place. It is the culmination of the last line in our mission where we seek to empower all students to "become leaders who can powerfully transform our communities".
Academic Program - 6th - 8th Grade
Students participate in a globally focused, rigorous academic experience that is centered around preparing students for their post-secondary life. We have created a unique Middle Academy experience that is designed to allow students to complete the following courses:
6th Grade
English 6
Math 6
Spanish 6
History 6
Science 6
Global Perspectives
Art or Music
Electives: Various electives offered
7th & 8th Grade:
English 7-8
Math 7-8, Algebra (if appropriate, for high school credit)
Spanish 1 & 2 (for high school credit)
History 7-8
Science 7-8
Global Perspectives
Art or Music
Electives: Various electives offered
Unique Programming:
6th Grade: Cohort Model
For our 6th graders, we use a middle-school cohort model where students are in smaller, consistent peer groups
Fosters a sense of community and collaboration
This approach allows students to form strong relationships with both their classmates and teachers, creating a supportive and engaging learning environment
By working closely with the same group of students across different subjects, learners benefit from enhanced teamwork, individualized attention, and a more personalized educational experience tailored to their unique needs and strengths
8th Grade: Community Project
Through Global Perspectives class
Frequently Asked Questions:
See Transportation page
School Schedule and Calendar:
Cross Country (Fall)
Member of WIAA, division varies but runners will compete against local schools similar in size to SIA
Runners eligible for state competition upon qualification
Other Sports
Per state law, if a charter school chooses to offer a sport, students that attend that school cannot play that sport at their local middle school.
SIA students are allowed to participate in sports at their local middle school that are not already offered at SIA, and SIA will work with families to schedule this into their day.
For example, an SIA student could not run cross country at a public school since XC is offered at SIA.
On the other hand, an SIA student could play football at a public school since football is not currently offered at SIA.
See the Phoenix Love (Community Service) Page and ASB Page
SIA staff will work to create clubs that allow our Middle Academy students to build relationships with one another and dive deeper into their unique interests
These could include: eSports, chess, fitness, art, choir, Model United Nations, Math is Cool, theater/drama, coding, A/V club/student media, yearbook
Dances and other school activities:
Middle Academy students regularly plan school dances
Travel Opportunities:
8th Grade International Trip to a Spanish-speaking country (ex. Peru)
Service opportunity and a great chance to practice Spanish
What about High School?:
Please see our High School page for more details
Where can I learn more?:
Please contact Chandi Wood, our Associate Principal for Grades 6-12, at wood@spokaneintlacademy.org