The Highly Capable (HiCap) program at SIA is designed to offer students who demonstrate significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others of their age, experiences, or environments an opportunity for increased depth or acceleration of content.
Students who are highly capable may possess, but are not limited to, these learning characteristics:
(1) Capacity to learn with unusual depth of understanding, to retain what has been learned, and to transfer learning to new situations;
(2) Capacity and willingness to deal with increasing levels of abstraction and complexity earlier than their chronological peers;
(3) Creative ability to make unusual connections among ideas and concepts;
(4) Ability to learn quickly in their area(s) of intellectual strength; and
(5) Capacity for intense concentration and/or focus
(Washington state definition of highly capable students)
SIA's highly capable program aims to offer students opportunities for acceleration within their classroom as well as extension opportunities when appropriate outside of the classroom.
Eligibility Criteria for Qualification:
Primary Academy (K-5):
Participation in reading groups that are accessing texts above grade level in either complexity or depth of content
Opportunity to accelerate at their own pace through our online reading program Lexia Core5
Extended opportunities for inquiry during IB units
Participation in math groups that are accessing math concepts above grade level in either complexity or depth of content
Opportunities to accelerate through our online programs ST Math or Khan Academy at their own pace
Middle Academy (6-8):
Opportunities to access texts and content that is above grade level and accelerated
Acceleration in math courses; the opportunity to take high school level math for credit during their regular day
If you have any questions about the highly capable program at SIA please email Olivia Cook who provides highly capable instruction at ocook@spokaneintlacademy.org