School Calendar/School Hours
School Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am - 3:15 pm (K-2 students and siblings released at 3:00 pm, 3rd-9th graders released at 3:15)
Fridays: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Early Release Days (See calendar): 8:00 am - 11:30 am
After school care: We partner with the YMCA of North Spokane to offer after-school care for students in grades K-5 from 3:15 pm - 6:00 pm (Monday-Thursday) and 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm (Fridays). Families will be charged at the rates provided by the YMCA and will need to sign up through them when that time comes.
Click HERE for the 2024-25 School Calendar
Key Definitions:
Vacation/Holidays - There will be no school on these days due to the observance of a holiday or for a school vacation.
Data Day - There will be no school these days in order for teachers to analyze student data they have collected during the interim assessment windows.
Friday 1:00 pm release - On Fridays throughout the year students will be released at 1:00 pm. The only Fridays this will not be the case is when they are already off school during a Data Day or school vacation.
11:30 am Release - You will notice that certain days on the calendar are light purple. These are 11:30 release days. These are intended to shorten the day to allow for more conferences as well as to release students earlier than normal prior to a break.
Conferences - Twice during the year families and teachers will gather over the course of four days to discuss student results and to develop a plan for their academic program for the remainder of the school year. Families will receive updates on where their children are academically as well as updates on how to best support their child in their continued growth. Students will have early release (11:30 am) on these days. Primary Academy students may be required to attend their conferences (depending on teacher preference). Middle Academy/High School students are required to attend and actively participate in their conferences.
Past Calendars: 2023-2024
Past Calendars: 2022-2023