Title 1 Program
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provides financial assistance to states and school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students. Title I’s goal is to provide extra instructional services and activities which support students identified as failing or most at risk of failing the state’s challenging performance standards in mathematics, reading and writing.
The Title I program provides student with extra educational assistance beyond the regular classroom. Title I also provides support to private schools and homeless programs.
Title I schools with 40% or more of children from low-income families can develop Schoolwide Title I programs to upgrade the school's entire educational program, rather than to target services only to identified students. Schoolwide programs enrich the academic program for the whole child and for the whole school while removing the stigma of being labeled "disadvantaged."
Right to be Informed - Teacher Qualifications
When schools receive these federal grant dollars, there are a certain guidelines that must be adhered to. One of these is to inform parents of their right to be informed.
Under this act, parents of children in schools that receive Title I dollars have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of the student's classroom teachers. Para-professionals who work with students in a Title I program also have to meet certain educational requirements. You may contact our HR/Data Entry Specialist Zach Butler if you would like to request this information.