Travel Opportunities
In order for our students to truly understand the world we live in and the diverse population we share it with, they need to experience different places. Students throughout their school years will have the opportunity to travel locally, statewide, nationally and internationally so that they may experience the world firsthand.

5th Grade:
Students in 5th grade travel to the Olympic National Forest to participate in outdoor environmental science learning at NatureBridge. This experience will allow many of them their first opportunity to experience a rain forest environment. Leading up to the trip, students will study different ecosystems in science and better understand the relationship of all living organisms within that ecosystem.

8th Grade:
Students will have the opportunity to participate in an 8th-grade trip with their peers to experience new cultures, practice their Spanish and apply the history they have been studying throughout their time at SIA.
SIA resumed international travel in the 22-23 school year with an 8-day trip to the Dominican Republic. Students participated in a variety of language and cultural immersion experiences. In the 23-24 school year, the 8th graders have chosen to visit Peru.